A review by navmi
Beast by Krishna Udayasankar


Enough has been written about mankind’s penchant for one-upping all other living species. Or, as Darwin put it, survival of the fittest. But what if this were not the case? What if we find roaming among us some of our cousins who have found a way to be both human and animal? It is this possibility that Krishna Udayasankar explores in her latest urban fantasy thriller, Beast, set in present-day Mumbai.

When three drug-dealers are found savagely murdered in the middle of one of the densest metros in the world, ace policewoman ACP Aditi Kashyap is called in to find the killer. Evidence suggests that the killer might not be entirely human. ACP Kashyap, along with Enforcer Prithvi Narasimha, arrives at a warehouse where she witnesses the murderer in action — turns out, her colleagues’ “utterly ridiculous ideas” may not be all that ridiculous.

Full review here: https://www.thehindu.com/books/beast-by-krishna-udayasankar-the-brute-within/article26886644.ece