A review by xtianincapeside
The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue by V.E. Schwab


The first 200 pages or so had me interested. A young woman makes a faustian bargain to escape a predetermined life and finds herself cursed. It's a great premise, but poorly executed. The story switches between the present and the past, which gets super repetitive very quickly. Things should pick up and get interesting when she meets a boy who seems immune to her curse, but that just sparks more repetition. Turns out, he has also sold his soul on a petty impulse. Apparently, demons are granting wishes in this world on every street corner.

There is tons of hype around this book, but it's just not for me. There is some nice prose scattered throughout, but that's the only upside. There's no intrigue, no loveable romance, no twisting and turning plot, not much of anything, really.