A review by kim_brockway_gatehouse
Eight Simple Rules for Dating a Dragon by Kerrelyn Sparks


I loved this book. You can read my full review on my WordPress blog, Flora's Musings...

So, what did I like about it?
[a:Kerrelyn Sparks|2357|Kerrelyn Sparks|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1202439212p2/2357.jpg] is a new-to-me author; I found her writing style easy read, her plot gripping and her characters engaging. I haven't read the previous books in The Embraced series but the synopsis looked interesting and although I haven't read a story based in a paranormal fantasy world for a while, preferring books set now in our world, Ms Sparks descriptive prowess catapulted me into the world of Aerthlan with ease.

[b:Eight Simple Rules for Dating a Dragon|34962717|Eight Simple Rules for Dating a Dragon (The Embraced, #3)|Kerrelyn Sparks|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1497101112s/34962717.jpg|56237668] is a paranormal romance and I really enjoyed the romance in this book. I loved the sparks and banter between Silas (General Gorgeous) and Gwennore. It is a testament to how involved emotionally I was with this tale and the characters that I found a lump in my throat and a tear trickling down my cheek at times.

Ok, so those of you that have read my reviews before, will know that I enjoy a story more if the lead female character is intelligent, resilient and has a good sense of humour - I wasn’t disappointed here. Gwennore is smart, witty and has plenty of gumption, she has a strong moral code and a loyalty that makes her put the needs of others before her own.

I enjoyed the character development around Gwennore and her new friends, loving that a couple were fabulous right from the start whiles others grew to become so. I love it when the supporting characters end up holding as special a place in my heart as the main characters. I also love a villain you can hate and rally against, I wasn’t disappointed here.

I loved all the twists and turns Ms Sparks weaved into her tale, she kept me on my toes and the little grey cells working overtime trying to work out the clues and guess what would happen next.

I know that this book had me hooked because it had me shedding tears, got my blood boiling with anger but also had me chuckling out loud, sent tingles of titillation to all the right spots *blush* and warmed my old romantic heart.

So, ummm, was there anything I disliked about it?
I gave this book 5 stars because there weren’t any niggles that diminished my enjoyment, there’s no life or death cliffhanger - you know how I hate those - and although it's the third book in The Embraced series I didn't feel lost or confused.

So, basically what I’m saying is...
I loved this book. It has everything that I look for in a 5 star book; adventure, a bit of mystery, some action, great characters, some humour, banter, romance and passion.

If you love well written tales of magic, curses and mystery as a backdrop to an entertaining romance I think you’d enjoy this book, I think it’s a perfect mix of paranormal, mystery and adventure, however, I would just like to add that due to the explicit sexual nature of some of the scenes within these pages, I’d only recommend this book to adults who are not offended with this type of content.

I want you to know that I was lucky enough to be given a digital version of this book for free from the publisher (St Martin’s Press) after making a request via Netgally.com in exchange for an honest review. The expected publication date is 27th March 2018.