A review by bookph1le
The Resemblance by Lauren Nossett


I thought this was a really solid book with a heroine who's difficult and messy, but in ways that felt different from the typical unreliable female narrator who's taken over the mystery/thriller genre. I found Marlitt's portrayal nuanced and realistic, and though she'd certainly infuriating at times and it's hard to watch her explode her own life, I never felt like she was acting in ways that were out of character.

I also appreciated what this book had to say about the Greek system, which I think is long overdue for a very serious indictment. Nossett details how various systems of power and oppression prop each other up because to topple one would be to risk exposing all. With all the revelations that have come out about the behavior of fraternities all across the U.S., it's a wonder to me that they survive--though as Nossett reminded me, it shouldn't be. After all, many of America's most allegedly illustrious men were proud members of these organizations. Moreover, given what we've learned about the lengths universities will go to to cover up crimes like sexual assault in order to protect their reputations, it isn't surprising that fraternities' misdeeds are often swept under the rug.

I look forward to reading more from Nossett.