A review by jennstans
Above by Leah Bobet


"Above" by Leah Bobet is a really good book... in the last 3-4 chapters. But before I get into that let me give you a synopsis of what the book is about.

"Matthew has loved Ariel from the moment he found her in the tunnels, her bee’s wings falling away. They live in Safe, an underground refuge for those fleeing the city Above—like Whisper, who speaks to ghosts, and Jack Flash, who can shoot lightning from his fingers.

But one terrifying night, an old enemy invades Safe with an army of shadows, and only Matthew, Ariel, and a few friends escape Above. As Matthew unravels the mystery of Safe’s history and the shadows’ attack, he realizes he must find a way to remake his home—not just for himself, but for Ariel, who needs him more than ever before."

Thank you goodreads.com for that lovely synopsis.

When I first started to read this book I was extremely confused as to what is going on. It took me about 3 weeks to read it's 368 pages. Now I have to give Leah Bobet some credit, this is her first book. But it lacks organization and drive to keep the reader pushing further into the book. If I didn't have a drive to never not finish a book I wouldn't have gotten passed chapter 1 simply because I had no idea what what going on.

As I said earlier the last 3-4 chapters are probably the best out of all 10 chapter + epilogue. Now, I understand that the last few chapters are usually the best in the book regardless. But, the rest of the book leading up to that have to be good and the reader will never get to those last good bits.

Leah Bobet has the potential to be an excellent writer. If the book had a bit more editing and was organized a bit better it has the potential to be an amazing book. I look forward to reading more of Leah Bobet's books in the future. But if all of her books are this disorganized she won't last long as a known writer. She'll fall into the cracks along with Stephanie Meyer, who is destined for oblivion (all you twilight fans might as well face that fact now).

What do I rate this book? 3 sets of bee's wings out of 5. I suggest you read it but I would get it second hand or when it's online. Don't bother paying full price for it.