A review by annie_21
The Vintage Dress Shop in Primrose Hill by Annie Darling


I didn't actually know this was a four-part serial when I started reading - I thought it was a whole book, Luckily, it's not and I get to read more!!!!

This definiely has potential.

I think it's really intersting the whole shop and I like the descriptions of the dresses and the character's relationship are strange but also so intersting.

Like the whole Sophy-Charles-Pheobe relationship definitely seems like interesting. I'm glad that Pheone isn't a one-dimensional villian however she isn't exactly someone whose motivation you can understand and root for because Sophy hasn't done anything to her so it's hard to understand where her hatered comes from. I think that it's nice to see her interest in vitage fashion that definiteky makes her somewhat two-dimensional.

I would love to see Sophy and her father Johnno heal their relationship and have a nice normal father-daugghter rekationship or have a healthy wacky one (key word being healthy!).

The names (sophy, johno) are a bit weird. I can't lie, they're a bit strange and I don't really know how someone comes up with Sophie spelt "S-O-P-H-Y". Like, I have never ever seen that in my life.