A review by skylarkblue1
Night of the Dragon by Julie Kagawa


A magnificent end to a spellbinding trilogy. If you're looking through the reviews to see if it's worth investing in this whole trilogy, do it. You will not be dissapointed. If you've already read the first 2 books and wanting to see if this is also just as good as the others, what are you doing reading this! Go read this book instead!!

I don't often read whole series', when I do it's normally short stories, easy to read. But this, I couldn't stop reading. Searching for each book as hard as I could, I unfortunatly was unable to read them all one after another, having about a years gap inbetween each read. It was painful each wait, eager to know what happens next. And after a 3 year journey, I was not dissapointed.

This final book is just action after action. All your questions answered, all your emotions smashed multiple times over. After 2 books of travel, character and world building, here is where you know all the characters, you know all their goals, it's time for them to finally finish what they started.