A review by jkkb332
The Thinnest Air by Minka Kent


I don't get the glowing reviews for this at all. It was not thrilling, not all that mysterious, not even that enjoyable to read. There isn't a single character I liked and several of them I actually actively dislike, especially Greer, the missing woman's sister and one of the main characters. She is so obnoxious and difficult that at one point one of the other characters actually (understandably) yells at her to stop being such a bitch. Every other chapter was from her POV, which was tedious and frankly annoying. The alternating chapters, told by Meredith as it counted down from her marriage to her disappearance, weren't much better. Meredith is young, immature, naive, and fickle. It's so hard to feel sympathy for her whining about her boring privileged life in her mansion - maybe if she had waited longer than 6 months after meeting Andrew to marry him, she would have had time to really think through what her life was going to look like. Andrew also doesn't seem like much of a catch anyway, aside from being rich AF, and we're told that they are soooo in love but never actually shown that. The only redeeming thing about this book is that it's short and fast to read, so I didn't waste too much of my life on it.