A review by rhirhireader
Remains by Andrew Cull


A Horrifying read! After part one 'grief is a black house '.... the story turns to the darkest of places.
For a debut novel- this is fantastic. The scene is nicely set at the beginning. But all the while I was able to feel the horrors lurking.
When the evil comes into life just before halfway, my reading became an actual experience.
Lucy returns to a house where her son was obscenely murdered. Here she re-lives a nightmare and we live it with her. I felt her every fear and saw shadows on my sleep! Really scary story that rooted from real life happenings in san fransisco. My hairs stood on end in the ouija board scenes!
Can't wait to read more from the author. Would also love to delve deeper into the back story of some of the characters in remains. .