A review by jn0el
Barefoot Gen Volume 1: A Cartoon Story of Hiroshima by Keiji Nakazawa


From Amazon: 'This harrowing story of Hiroshima was one of the original Japanese manga series. New and unabridged, this is an all-new translation of the author's first-person experiences of Hiroshima and its aftermath, is a reminder of the suffering war brings to innocent people. Its emotions and experiences speak to children and adults everywhere. Volume one of this ten-part series details the events leading up to and immediately following the atomic bombing of Hiroshima.'

I read this book for a Japanese lit/culture class, and it was the first time I had studied the Pacific War (the Pacific Campaign of WWII) from a Japanese perspective. It blew me away. I had no idea how the Japanese were suffering at the hands of their own rulers. America justified dropping the bombs by pointing to this fact (much as we did when invading Iraq). It's a gripping, often gory tale of a young boy surviving during this awful period in our shared history, but it's even more powerful when reminded this is [a: Keiji Nakazawa|67379|Keiji Nakazawa|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1377707592p2/67379.jpg]--the author's--truth, his life, his story.