A review by devon
Family History by Dani Shapiro


Shapiro could have tacked on another hundred or so pages more to this heartfelt and emotional novel and I would have eaten those up too! Shapiro's prose is such that it will keep you turning the pages and wanting more. It is easy to read, not overly done and yet properly captures every emotion that this family experiences.

Rachel Jensen thought she had the perfect life, complete with the perfect marriage, two beautiful children, and a wonderful home. All things that Rachel believed could not be broken until her life began to slowly spiral out of her control. Her troubled daughter is more than Rachel or her husband Ned know how to handle, due to a tragic accident their infant son is not developing as quickly as other children his age and a terrible lie places a seed of doubt in her marriage that could potentially damage it irrevocably.

I loved the way that Shapiro took us through the story bit by bit revealing everything slowly. Sometimes in flashbacks and at other times showing the reader what state this sequence of events has left this family in present day. Shapiro is an eloquent storyteller and I will definitely be seeking out more of her works.