A review by joanav
A Love to Remember by Bronwen Evans


I've received an eARC via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review

Review in Portuguese: http://pepitamagica.blogspot.co.uk/2017/07/livro-love-to-remember-de-bronwen-evans.html

A Love to Remember had the perfect ingredients: a hero haunted by the past and a heroine who would make him see that he deserves to be happy. Too bad that in the end everything was very quickly wrapped up with a nice bow.

Rose is always described as an independent woman who doesn’t want to get married, but we readers only get to know her when she wants to get married again and, in my opinion, she shows very little of her independence – which made her a character I didn’t particularly liked.

Philip is the typical tortured hero, which made sense, and in the end of the book he gets to the conclusion that he should be happy and honour his brother by having a nice life.

My problem with this book it that it was mainly contrary to the synopsis. And the little mystery it had I figured it out right away. The characters all felt weak to me and, honestly, I should stop now or it will only get worse.

In short, a disappointment.