A review by jjankunas
A People's History of the United States by Howard Zinn


That took forever to finish.

I don't know where to begin. I think a conversation with a friend I had sums it up for me pretty well: "Jess, I think this book is depressing you".

I knew that US history wasn't all unicorns and roses, and I knew that there were/are race issues, and gender issues, and class issues. I knew that foreign policy hasn't always been the most moral. I guess it was just easy not to really acknowledge this, and even easier when you don't see it from the perspective of the group affected.

I recommend this book to anyone who wants to see US history from the perspective of the people whose stories are often forgotten or untold (although not all groups are represented in this book, a fact that the author addresses in the afterword). It might not feel too good, but that's probably a result of the nationalism that's beaten into us from a very young age.