A review by katyanaish
The Plan by Karla Sorensen


Mmmm, I didn't love it, but it wasn't bad. I think there were just lots of little odds and ends that didn't really work for me.

Firstly, I thought the drama was really overdramatic / over-done. We never really got any real justification for why she needed a bodyguard. She didn't seem to have any stalkers. She had a car accident, so I get needing a driver for awhile - I was in a horrific car accident, and I had to be sedated to even get in the car when I was finally released from the hospital - but I don't get why it seemed like she was ... crowd-phobic? Maybe? I don't know. It isn't that I'm unsympathetic, I just honestly didn't understand her issue.

And his issue also seemed overly melodramatic. I mean, I get him having baggage, I really do. But I don't get his reaction with his family - again, literally do not understand how A led to B here, in his head - and I feel like he just overall became a fucking coward about life, to a ludicrous degree. I mean, I get being rattled. I get being gunshy. I get not having a lot of faith in people, and I get the heartbreak. But where he takes that ... I just don't get it.

Lastly, I'm just never a fan of unequal relationships, where one person does all the work to get into this relationship. And honestly, Lydia did all the work here, and just took CONTINUOUS shit from him. I don't think he did enough, in the end, to put them on equal footing. She was ready to take him back the literal second she saw him, without him even saying a word. And meh to that, seriously. Lydia is a great character, really smart and focused and compassionate ... and I feel like she deserves someone who wants her as much as she wants him. And I don't feel like this landed that way.