A review by alexiasophii
A Practical Guide to Pagan Priesthood: Community Leadership and Vocation by Lora O'Brien


I was given an ARC via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book.

OMG, this book is a MUST. This book will be an almost mandatory reading for all people who I teach or initiate because it's just that amazing. It's, no doubt, one of the best books in Paganism that I've read lately and the best I've read regarding Priesthood.

Just so you have an idea: When I finished the last page of the book, I placed my kindle down, grabbed my phone and bought my physical copy. Instantly!

The author is fantastic and very clear with her writing, sharing not only her own experiences but also the experiences of others and what she learned during her years in the Pagan communities. There's so many resources and things to learn throughout this book. And, in the end, there's an amazing collection of questionnaires and answers from several people, in tons of different pagans, which I simply loved because it gives such a wide image of our communities.

I recommend this book whole wholeheartedly as one of the best books I've read on Pagan Priesthood. It's AMAZING.