A review by marshmallowpudding
Kingdom Cold by Brittni Chenelle


i want to read this so bad & the author actually sent me a review request in january but being the stupid person i am, i opened the email six months late and the link to my review copy has already expired šŸ˜­šŸ˜­

update [7/7/2019]: i'm so, so excited omg - the author's the kindest, and she sent me a new review copy! can't wait to begin reading this ā™”

ā€” my thoughts

i received a review copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. all opinions below are my own.

kingdom cold was a short, fun read, and i liked it.

the book features characters from a wide range of ethnic groups ā€“ thereā€™s so much diversity, and i loved it! on top of that, the story is told from the perspectives of different characters, and i was completely engrossed. i enjoyed reading about how different characters deal with their internal struggles (maybe except for prince emmett ā€“ that guyā€™s a real douchebag, more on that later), and they actually sound different from each other ā€“ iā€™ve read other stories told from multiple points of view, where every single character sounds exactly the same, and i sometimes got confused about which pov iā€™m reading, but that did not happen for me this time.

the story is strikingly similar to the 2019 remake of aladdin ā€“ a princess being courted, a handmaiden whoā€™s also the princessā€™s best friend, war and princes competing for the princessā€™s hand in marriage. the 9-year-old fairytale-obsessed girl in me was screaming in joy. i loved reading about the castles and royalty from faraway lands and dungeons and knights. i also really liked the small reference to camelot, and canā€™t wait to find out more about it in the next book. (will there be a new character named king arthur? what about the excalibur sword? i need to know.) BIG YES to the fairytale feels.

but ā€“ there were some things i disliked.

princess charlotte is my age, but as much as i wanted to, i could not relate to her at all. sheā€™s so immature and overmature at the same time ā€“ her ways of dealing with the problems she comes across are really childish, yet her somewhat serious attitude is comparable to that of an adult. also, i hated her whining. i consider myself a highly tolerant person, but at one point i found her complaining so unbearable i had the urge to reach through my kindle screen and punch her in the face.

also, in my opinion, the author could have handled prince emmettā€™s racist and sexist comments more properly. i mean, putting those words in the villainā€™s mouth might (really, really subtly) imply they are problematic, but i think it would be much more appropriate to address the problem more clearly. just, look at these sentences, taken from the book:

she looked older up close, with laugh lines around her eyes and her mouth. what did she have to be happy about?

she was a worthy reward for ruling over besmium.

no, iā€™d destroy them all. if i couldnā€™t have charlotte, no one could. if i didnā€™t sit on the besmian throne, no one would.

ā€œjust look at you.ā€ he grinned. ā€œand more importantly, look at me.ā€
i blinked with disbelief.
ā€œfair skin, eyes the color of beryl stone, golden locks.ā€
i huffed. ā€œso, i imagine in your world thatā€™s superior somehow?ā€
ā€œin every world thatā€™s superior.ā€

the authorā€™s definitely going in the right direction by including characters from different backgrounds and (attempting to) address problems such as racism and sexism. but yeah, i wish it could have been done better. (ā•ÆĀ·ā•°)

still, i liked the overall outline of the story, and i loved! loved! loved! the diversity! iā€™m looking forward to reading the next two books in the trilogy (i heard one of them will be about prince minseo? i canā€™t wait!)

this review first appeared on my blog, marshmallow pudding