A review by sdapelo
Cursed Legacy by H. Everend


Cursed Legacy by H. Everend is a unique concept for a horror novel. It follows several generations of four specific families, starting with the Salam Witch Trials period in, I’m assuming, a Northeastern Coast town. It’s never stated where, but for the time period that’s the assumption. I will admit, I loved the cover, and that’s what drew me to this book.

Each generation is trying to figure out their family curse and how to end it. Mostly, they don’t understand that someone cursed them at all and discover it through chance. Finally, the last generation, in modern time, attempts to go against the big bad by themselves.

I will admit, I got lost several times in the book. Unfortunately, while going through several generations is an awesome idea, we’re jumping around so much I don’t get invested in any of the characters. Plus, some names were uncommon for the time and the cursing didn’t fit the period either.

There are also a few instances of the wrong word being used (such as find for fine), but as this is the author’s first book, I give a lot leeway for this.

I’m a sucker for tropes and a lot of the horror tropes are used. For example, a house in the scary woods, the evil tree from Evil Dead, and dolls (enough said there). The pacing was good, which kept me reading.

I feel for a first book, this was satisfactory. It didn’t have the ending I was expecting, which I consider a good thing. I’m rarely surprised with any ending. I will recommend this book to any friends looking for a horror novel with an unusual theme.