A review by dom_millennium
Bigger Leaner Stronger: The Simple Science of Building the Ultimate Male Body by Michael Matthews



THE GOOD: If you are a total beginner to working out or getting in shape, then this book is a perfect place for you to start. It lays down the basics such as workout routine (make sure your routine includes all the compound exercises necessary to promote strength) and nutritional needs. It even goes as far as details 3, 4, or 5 day workout routines with all exercises for each day. Unfortunately, the author cannot provide a one-size-fits-all nutritional plan in the book but offers to do it for you from his website for a fee or gives you all the necessary information to create your own at home.

THE BAD: Can be somewhat repetitive sometimes and I could do without the seeming less endless Q&A's at the end of each chapter.

THE UGLY: The author suggests low reps with heavy sets. These can be dangerous if you don't learn the proper technique. Unfortunately this book does not go into detail about doing this and you might need a more specialized book such as Mark Rippetoe's [b: Starting Strength|2098799|Starting Strength Basic Barbell Training|Mark Rippetoe|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1332738315s/2098799.jpg|2104162] which goes into great detail.