A review by annaavian
Black Betty, Volume 4: An Easy Rawlins Novel by Walter Mosley


Apart from [b:Devil in a Blue Dress|37100|Devil in a Blue Dress (Easy Rawlins, #1)|Walter Mosley|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1336545202l/37100._SY75_.jpg|1344080] all the books so far have been average at best and not nearly as good. There have been some similarities that Mosley keeps repeating from previous books but they don’t really add anything to the story or the main character himself. The plot feels messy with many new characters and troubles piling up which distracts the attention from the main goal that Easy is supposed to have. Halfway through the book I felt like we were wandering around the streets with no apparent direction in mind which made me lose interest.
4 books in and I’m starting to wonder if there’s a point in moving forward.