A review by junotranscends
The Beatles' Shadow: Stuart Sutcliffe & His Lonely Hearts Club by Pauline Sutcliffe


This was a book I enjoyed, but went back and forth on. Pauline Sutcliffe has very, very opinionated views on How Things Were, and of her brother's importance on the formation of the Beatles, as well as John's role in Stuart's death. I feel she skewed or got wrong some of the facts, of which I've read many other accounts stating things otherwise. Who knows who is right, of course.

Overall, it was an enjoyable read and a fun look into Stuart's life and the reactions of his family after his death. Seeing his letters was the hilight of the book for me, as well as hearing how his family has struggled to keep his legacy alive, and their dealings with Astrid (who I like a little less after reading this book).