A review by scarerkite
Rework Change The Way You Work Forever, It Doesn't Have to Be Crazy at Work 2 Books Collection Set by Jason Fried, Rework Change The Way You Work Forever, David Heinemeier Hansson, David Heinemeier Hansson It Doesn’t Have to Be Crazy at Work by Jason Fried


3.5 stars - I enjoyed this book and had a few ‘aha’ moments. However, I would have liked a bit more substance. I whizzed through this in a couple of days and it feels like a series of sound bites rather than a book. Some of it came across as a little bit patronising and I would have liked more on how people who don’t actually own the company can achieve this.
However, overall, there were some great nuggets of info, and Basecamp sounds like a great place to work! A lot of companies would do well to take some of the advice on board.