A review by cheryl6of8
Booked To Die by John Dunning


This book was strongly recommended to me by MaryZee, a book loving friend, the last time I saw her before she died. She picked it from the shelf of The Book Thing of Baltimore and handed it to me and told me to read it. A few weeks later she died -- and now 9 years have passed.

I pulled this from my shelf to read and add to the Bookish Book Box I run in her memory. But I found the first few pages slow reading and the book box was full, so I held onto it. I am not a hardboiled detective fiction fan and Janeway has a lot of that in him (but I love the name because of Voyager, so that's something). It was the book lover's aspect of the story and Maryzee's recommendation that kept me going. I will say that I appreciated that the descriptions of sex and violence were minimal. The book value part was over my head, though, because I value books for their contents. The mystery aspect was well done and the pacing picked up after the first 40 pages. I don't know that I would seek out any others in the series, but I would probably read them if they crossed my path.