A review by pika_berry
Learned Optimism: How to Change Your Mind and Your Life by Martin Seligman


Possibly the cringiest read of 2020.

This man believes that individualism causes depression. He believes the cure for depression is to be a collectivist. (Major philosophy cringe)
I don’t really think he believes this, but rather lacks knowledge and doesn’t have the proper ideas to fully flesh out his views.
He isn’t against individualism per se, but against indulging behaviors (but doesn’t know enough to see the difference).

While he advocates for being able to adjust between being realistic and positive, really he does not value reality. Deep down he is an Fe man — if it feels good in the conventional sense it’s good. I was waiting for a good abstract discussion on this point but it never showed up.

And again, this one is personal but the connection between “cut off from reality” with “good salesmanship”.
This might not be a coincidence after all. This is the third book this year I read about this connection. Very interesting.


I did like the ideas about “arguing in favor of yourself”. It never occurred to me to do this. This is helpful.