A review by bookgramsaga_
The Plan by Karla Sorensen



Safety gang:
- No cheating
- No OM/OW drama
- Mention of infidelity






I enjoyed bits of this and I liked Lydia but I I didn’t enjoy it as much as I wish I did - hence the 3 stars.

I didn’t know what I was expecting but I thought this would be a big fake dating book but it had a few moments where the fake dating occurred but in reality it was more of the guy having feelings but not being able to let go of the past to accept the future he could have.

I know he was hurt in the past and it was heartbreaking but I felt like his reasons for keeping himself away from his family and refusing to let himself be loved or loved wasn’t as massive as it was made out to be in my eyes? I get he was in pain but he shouldn’t of allowed that hurt to punish someone who only trying to love him.

Also I truly thought that Ian was the man his ex wife had cheated on him with so it was a bit anti climactic when he was just also grumpy.

The scene where she hears him insult her and diminish her was sad and I wanted him to grovel more. We didn’t get any groveling and it seemed like it got wrapped up to quickly considering we were told before she was devastated for weeks.

This was seriously grumpy x sunshine up until the very end. Erik really pulled away constantly. I wish he had gotten his head out of his ass a bit earlier and we could of seen them as a couple a bit more than just a brief window in the epilogue.