A review by terriaminute
HOT Pursuit by Lynn Raye Harris


This is an acceptable romance, and an acceptable suspense plot, but as you can tell by the 3/5 stars, I have some issues with it. Luckily it's free, and is one of the better free books I've not DNF'd.

As is a trope in m/f romantic suspense, one or both the main characters (apparently) is required to lust after the other at all times. AT ALL TIMES. As a reader, this quickly gets ridiculous, particularly when there's eminent danger. This isn't the worst example of that, but it's in the running.

By 1.5 chapters in I tracked two phrases: "my virginity" or "her virginity" was said or thought three times in first few chapters. Virginity was also equated in his thoughts with weakness, which is a huge no-no, author. That is not okay anywhere. He counters it quickly, but it's there implicitly for the rest of the story. Internalized patriarchy and misogyny are A Thing writers need to be super watchful for. There's enough of that nonsense IRL. Keep it out of fiction. Yuck.

The other was "ten years." That exact phrase was repeated eleven times.


Writers use ten years because it is easy for readers to remember. That was TERRIBLE editing.

Another fail was her harping on why he'd choose a dangerous job over being rich. She's in danger and she's a chef, so... But I love when he calls her on it. I just wish she'd then stopped thinking the same stupid thing.

I did love her reasons for telling him to go, the 'separation' part of a romance. Intrinsic to her character, very good self-care. And I did come to appreciate that he is just not that good at expressing himself, it's consistent, and rather sweet at the end.

The epilogue is the setup for the next book, I haven't read it yet. I have the second book, also free. Let's hope the author's skill improved...