A review by treasureboxofbooks
Every Note Played by Lisa Genova


I cried. I never cry while reading books!

I am one of those "ADD Book readers" who must have action-packed stories that keep me on the edge of my seat. (And if it doesn't keep me interested, say if there is a chapter or two of boring, lingering "descriptive" writing - ahem...I'm talking to you, Stephen King! LOL-, then I will put a book down in a heartbeat and move on to the next.) I love Mystery/Thriller books because the "whodunit" factor is what keeps me reading. This book is none of that. At all. But, somehow, it still kept me wanting to turn the next page.

This book will get you really thinking about life... your own life....and the life of others and how every day is not a guarantee.

Even if you don't know anyone with ALS (as I don't) this is a book everyone should read. No one is invincible.