A review by anna127
Ever the Brave by Erin Summerill


Now this was disappointing. I hate rating books below 3 stars, but there was not much I liked about this one. Especially disappointing considering that I loved the first book. But this one....lagged the fun and fast paced parts of book one, and on top of that it had this unnecessary love triangle. There was no love triangle in book one, and both Britta and Cohen told each other that they love each other, so why, why was this love triangle needed? Just to add some drama? No thanks. And it was so cringy at parts, I just wanted it to be over. The King fell in love with Britta after she saved his life, and then tries to win her over despite knowing she has strong feeling for Cohen, and we get chapters of the King being saddened by the fact that Britta isn't wearing the dress the gifted her for the ball?? Okay, it's not like he had more important things to worry about. A great deal of the King's chapters is just him swooning over Britta and getting Sad when she doesn't seem to return his feelings.....*sigh* the second half of the book is a little bit more interesting, but I can't get over the cringy scene where Britta and Aeordan had to sleep *naked* next to each other because of the cold, and because Aeordan had to fall into icy water in the middle of winter, with no town being close for a night. Why was that necessary?? There were interesting parts about the magic system, but it seemed like the all over plot point of this book was the love triangle, just too keep Britta and Cohen apart till the end, and sigh, I really don't like it.