A review by inniebin
Born in Fire by K.F. Breene


Oh man oh man [a:K.F. Breene|7010202|K.F. Breene|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1403108800p2/7010202.jpg] is dominating my lists of 'must-reads' and 'best reads' again!

I absolutely LOVED this book. It's part of a series though so make sure you get the whole box set, because even though THIS part of Reagan & Darius' story has ended, it is not over, not by a longshot. :)

This book had me in stitches so many times I must ask the Author if she is a fan of [a:Terry Pratchett|1654|Terry Pratchett|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1235562205p2/1654.jpg]`? I had this odd sense of Pratchettyness in this book - it was really fun and I loved it, there were many scenarios I felt resembled Pratchett's writing style. It was awesome. In some ways, Reagan reminded me of Susan and Darius reminded me of DEATH many times haha.

Then we meet a married mage duo where the husband reminded me a lot of Rincewind and many situations reminded me of the Guards. hahaha
You will only get it if you read Pratchett, but I can't help it - it had me in stitches and brought excellent content to the book this way. And no I'm not saying she has stolen anything from Pratchett it's just that it was as if she herself has read his work and has done her own twist - it was brilliant.

I have noticed some stating that they didn't like the "Romance" or that they didn't understand it - and I would like to say that it's because there practically isn't any haha.

Basically what we have with Reagan and Darius is romantic tension, lust, and Darius talking dirty a few times because he's got no filter (which was fantastic - the vamp is a breath of fresh air). And yes there was a couple of dry humps - but they were induced and influenced by more than what you would normally have - and Reagan is trying to keep her level head - he's a vamp after all! haha

I loved the tension, it was humorous and sweet at the same time. It's a slow-moving romance, the attraction is there - but it's not a meet & rip type of thing. Normally I'm all for "meet me fuck me" types - but this slow-moving one was written really well and it's made me just want to read the 2nd book, even more, to find out if they "finally do it" if you get what I mean. haha

This book had a very interesting world and Reagan's secret is very very important. The book is well written, funny, stuffed full of LOL situations and I had no problems picturing the scenes.

I have read some other reviews mentioning that we don't know much about what they look like (Darius and Reagan especially) - and that is true. We do know that Darius has dark hair and we know that he has honey coloured eyes with green specks and that they are beautiful. We know he's a head taller than her - but we don't know how tall she is. We know he's very handsome, muscular, wide etc - but we also know that Vlad is more beautiful.
We don't know much about Reagen though - this is true. We know she is very beautiful to others, but that she herself doesn't really picture herself as something super special, at one point she's very uncomfortable with beauty and beautiful things and almost pictures herself as dirty.

And all though I would appreciate more explanation about what they look like because I too like to picture it - this didn't ruin the book for me or them. I find that by leaving some things up to interpretation I could make my own version of what they look like. And I liked that. :) For all I know we find out more in book 2!

5-holding my side laughing-stars for this book!!

And maybe a new bookBF in Darius.....