A review by jamietherebelliousreader
Under His Control by Kiki Burrelli


4 stars. And I thought the first book was great (which it was, I'm not taking anything away from that) but this one blows the first book completely out of the water!

Kiki Burrelli is an author that I've been reading for a while now and she just always delivers. When it comes to M/M shifter romances she pretty much is the Queen and I will read whatever she writes. I think this series might just be her strongest to date. Everything about it just works. The characters are wonderful and complex, the side characters are ones that you meet in previous series but even if you haven't read those series you still get a good sense of who they are as people. The story for this book in particular was great and again just like how I felt with the first book, a lot deeper than I was expecting.

Garth was a mystery to me in the last book. I liked him despite him being a raging asshole but I didn't really know what to make of him overall. This book made all the sense of the world for his character and why he was so angry and bitter. He goes through wonderful self discovery and growth and just seeing him come to terms with who he is and stop trying to be what he thinks he should be for everyone else was so good. A lot of that does have to do with Cassius and their relationship but also just Garth having to really learn to let go of that fear of being judged for not being the alpha he thinks he should be. It's a wonderful transformation seeing him from how he started off when we first meet his character to the end of this book.

I honestly fell in love with Cassius from the moment he was introduced. Side note, let me just say that he is significantly younger than Garth and is also his alpha. God, I'm such trash for that trope. Younger alpha/older beta or omega. Sign me the fuck up. Please and thank you. Anyways, Cass has his own interesting back story as well and I love that even though he was so young the author didn't write him so immature. He was levelheaded and smart and he knew exactly what he wanted which I appreciated. He was the perfect counterpart for Garth and their relationship worked on so many levels.

The synopsis makes you think this is just BDSM smut, and there is plenty of that in here don't get me wrong, but there's more than that as well. I cannot wait for the next book in this series.