A review by pandemoniumpizza
The Dreaming, Vol. 1 by Queenie Chan

When I picked this up off the shelf and read the back I though, oh a thriller/mystery. My type of book then. So when I was reading it I did get a little spooked. Later on I read the back and it actually is classed as a horror. Fans of horror this book would suit you fine.

I have a warning about this book too. If you're anything like me and you have an overactive imagination or get scared easily do not read The Dreaming at night all by yourself. I did and I think this made the book even scarier than it had been.

The ending was a cliffhanger that left me wanting more. Luckily I had the next book too so I could just rush into it.

Because this was a manga there were so many scary illustrations. It added to the horror of the story. While I found the illustrations scary I also thought they were really well-drawn.

So if you like horror stories then you will definitely love The Dreaming.