A review by vylotte
After the Flare by Deji Bryce Olukotun


This novel defies categorization. It could be post apocalyptic, as it takes place in a world after a catastrophic solar flare knocks out all electronics across the world, but for a narrow strip around the equator. It sould be hard scifi, with the last remaining space program rushing to save an astronaut stranded in space over a year later. It could be a story of culture, with all the permutations of Nigerian life and interactions and a glimpse of a world as alien as any dreamed up in a book. (At least to me, in this soggy, gray, disassociated PNW winter.) It could be any of those categories in part, but its whole is more.

This is technically the second in a series, but I hadn't read the first, and treated this as stand alone, I don't think it suffered in the least, it is very much a self contained story. It's smart and inventive and definitely pushes the boundaries of SF I've read, so I will heartily agree if this one wins the PK Dick award this year.

Nominated for the 2018 PK Dick Awards