A review by frankikaos
The Green Mile by Stephen King


I was absolutely captivated by this book from the instant I began reading til the moment I closed the back cover. Stephan King is a fabulous author who has a great gift at really making the characters he creates come to life- whether they're the good people or the bad people, you feel as though they are real and you laugh with them, feel with them and cry with them.
I vaguely recall seeing the film once- I watched it on tv one night with my family -but all I remember vividly is crying at the end! So, in a way, the book was completely new to me- yes, I sort of knew the story but I didn't remember the characters or all of the events that took place -and I'm everso glad I discovered it.
I fell in love with all the characters within- most notably John Coffey (like the drink but not spelled the same) and Mr Jingles the mouse, however I also held quite a soft spot for Brutus and Delacroix. Being so tapped into the characters meant everytime I picked the book up i felt transported and the real world melted away. It also meant that, by the final pages of the book, I'd shed enough tears to fill a pint glass!
Definitely one of my favourite- and saddest -books I've ever read. If you haven't read it yet, i demand that you do so!