A review by alexauthorshay
Autism for Adults: An Approachable Guide to Living Excellently on the Spectrum by Daniel Jones



Not as helpful as I was hoping. I'm just starting to get into the books on autism so I don't have much to compare it to, and it's nice to read a book about autism by someone who has it; I definitely resonated with some of the experiences. But, as with an ADHD title I read previously, Jones has the benefit of being self employed, and even though he goes through his challenges of growing up before he had that freedom, so much of it doesn't feel as applicable to me. Either because it's not something my job can accommodate, it's not a topic I'm interested in, or my anxiety prevents it from being that easy. It's quite a thin book and could be read in one extended sitting if you really wanted; I think it's a good starting point if you have yet to pick up anything on autism and/or are trying to self-diagnose from a more subjective viewpoint than a clinical one. But, while it covers a range of topics from relationships to jobs to daily living, it's a little too brief on all these categories to be of substantial help.