A review by woahno
The Black Star by Edward W. Robertson


In this episode of “my expectations were different from reality” we have The Black Star, the final book of The Cycle of Arawn. I was expecting more sarcasm and witty banter and got it. I was expecting more adventures with Dante and Blays and got that too. I was even expecting a ramping up of the magic and the stakes for our characters and that was here as well. However, I was also expecting more closure. I wanted this to tie the three books together in a way that made for a good stopping point in the wild and crazy adventures of Dante and Blays. I don't think I got that. This felt a lot more like another good and entertaining episode. And while there is nothing wrong with that I am left wanting more. It leaves me in this weird spot in considering the next escapade of these two in The Cycle of Galand. Is this just going to be the constant and continuing reasons for these two characters to go gallivanting around this fun fantasy world? Honestly, I'm probably up for more of that. I just wonder if I will start to tire of it.