A review by myntop
Dead Man's Hand: An Anthology of the Weird West by Ben H. Winters, John Joseph Adams, Christie Yant, David Farland, Tobias S. Buckell, Elizabeth Bear, Jonathan Maberry, Hugh Howey, Kelley Armstrong, Mike Resnick, Beth Revis, Seanan McGuire, Joe R. Lansdale, Alastair Reynolds, Tad Williams, Rajan Khanna, Laura Anne Gilman, Alan Dean Foster, Ken Liu, Orson Scott Card, Charles Yu, Fred Van Lente, Jeffrey Ford, Walter Jon Williams


*as of now this review is only for the Seanan McGuire portion of the anthology*

While I wish it had gotten a little more into exactly what the music teacher was (I'm so curious,) I really enjoyed this short story in the InCryptid world. More of the fantastic Aeslin mice, more of Jonathan and Fran, and more monsters to hunt and learn about. I'm very excited about the ending and ready to move on to the next novella/short story.