A review by kport
The Plot to Kill Hitler: Dietrich Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Spy, Unlikely Hero by Patricia McCormick


Patricia McCormick does a wonderful job detailing the life of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a pastor turned spy during World War 2. It was interesting to read about his life and learn about what lead him to pacifism. Despite being a pacifist, however, he realized that he had the ability to assist others that wanted to rid the world of true evil and decided that action was more recommendable than inaction. Reading about his thoughts and decisions that led to his involvement in the plot to kill Hitler was an eye opening and thought provoking story.
Nonfiction is not usually my favorite, but Bonhoeffer was an interesting person to learn about. As I was reading about him, I was surprised that I had not ever heard anything about him before. He is a pastor and theologian and his thoughts on action and inaction and what makes a person guilty is thought provoking in the most interesting way. I also enjoyed learning about German resistance to Hitler, which is a point of view that I do not think is seen often enough. I would recommend it to anyone interested in this time period.