A review by cristiana_criss
The Forgotten Letters of Esther Durrant by Kayte Nunn


A secret love carried from the solitude of Little Embers to the busy city of London and the peaks of the highest mountains. A storm, a shipwreck, some paintings kept in the dark and a few forgotten letters form the thread linking the present day to the unchangeable past.

He asked to see her again the next day, taking her for a stroll in a nearby woodland and doing nothing more than holding her hand. 'If we went to the pictures we wouldn't be able to talk to each other', he said. 'And that would be a terrible shame.' She experienced a small thrill at those words. Perhaps here was a man who wanted intelligent conversation from a woman, not merely a decorative accessory to hang on his arm and his every word.
p. 24

'It is the season of shooting starts here, and I had so hoped to watch them with you. Great showers of light are spread across the night sky and I imagine them as a spangled bouquet in tribute to your beauty. I wonder if you can see them from where you are?
p. 165