A review by sunnybopeep
You've Lost a Lot of Blood by Eric LaRocca


This was better than Things Have Gotten Worse Since We Last Met, but it was just okay. There’s something raw and real missing from the writing. It’s very poetic and beautiful, but it’s lacking any gritty edge that would make it engaging. It’s interesting and entertaining enough for a quick read, but it just doesn’t have any substance.

I understand that it’s all very lovely in the narrator’s mind because he has a warped perception of reality, but I just don’t feel that his character as a person was very convincing. He was one-dimensionally dreamy. His “lover” had no character apart from hating plagiarism for some reason. Their love was very shallow and empty.

I just don’t get Martyr. Is he a serial killer? Is he a vigilante? Is he an aspiring author? The novella didn’t align with anything he said
(I guess because the entire thing was plagiarized)
, and it didn’t seem related to his mission.

The audio transcripts were the weakest, followed closely by the poems. The audio transcripts lacked any sense of closeness between Martyr and Ambrose. They were just Ambrose spitting weird facts and Martyr arguing against his point. The novella was creepy and interesting, but it obviously had pacing issues because of its length. It also didn’t tie back in thematically with the frame story.

I think this quote from Ambrose perfectly sums up my thoughts about this book:

AMBROSE: It’s a two-hour masturbatory session. Vapid. No substance. Bland at best.

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