A review by bookwyrmknits
The Best American Mystery Stories of the Century by Otto Penzler, Tony Hillerman


Steinbeck is not for me. Whether because of all of the talk of "great American literature" or the discussions I've had with teachers and fellow students I keep feeling like I should like Steinbeck. But I have read five of his novels now, at various ages, and have liked none of them. Some of his imagery is good, but I don't like his writing style or the bleak take he has on his topics. This book might be better than some -- I certainly dislike it less than The Red Pony -- but it's still not a book for me.

Import note: this review is for Steinbeck's THE PEARL. I read it in a book that only contained the one story, though, so I don't know why the GR import pulled in this compilation volume.