A review by nferraro90
Good Reasons for Bad Feelings: Insights from the Frontier of Evolutionary Psychiatry by Randolph M. Nesse


Sometimes a good book will answer long standing questions you had about a particular subject, and sometimes it will leave you asking even more than before you started. This book is the latter, as Dr Nesse does a good job of not overstating where the science stands of many of the issues discussed, and distinguishes well between what his beliefs/theories are and what is widely accepted in the field.

The application of evolutionary theory to mental disorders is fascinating to me, as it is a perspective I had no encountered previously. It seems to make sense when applied, and considering the minuscule success we’ve had as a society in years trying to fight mental illness, maybe it is the time to ask new questions.....

Well worth a read if you have any interest in the areas of mental health/psychology