A review by sofia_reading
No God But God: The Origins, Evolution and Future of Islam by Reza Aslan


Just finished reading this book. I cannot recommend it enough! I've seen lots of clips and a few presentations by Reza Aslan and always been very impressed by his intelligence, knowledge and eloquence but this is the first time I have read a book he has authored.
He ultimately relays the history of Islam from the context in which it was first revealed, through to its current state in flux. He's very academic but keeps the language accessible and fluid. He tackles events and instances from the life of the Prophet (SAW) which have often been used by opponents of Islam to claim anti-Jewish sentiments as being inherent to the religion, or misogyny as inherent to Islam and completely dismantled such argumentation and not for one moment does he sound like an apologist. Bravo Mr Aslan! I found a lot of consolation in this book and am now looking forward to reading his book How To Win a Cosmic War for my local Bookclub. However I will concede, it isn't a book for the dogmatic.