A review by woahshereads
You Shouldn't Have Come Here by Jeneva Rose


This book was pretty bad.. i thought the end was the only redeemable part of this book but even that felt forced & as though it was written COMPLETELY different than the rest of the book. 

For starters, right from the beginning this book was CRINGEY. Every single thing that came out of either of the characters mouths made me want to retreat into myself. They are highly attracted to each other at first sight but there is this weird sexual tension where Grace is flirting and Calvin is actually obsessed with her - to the point where it is creepy and uncomfortable. The writing felt like I was reading a middle school diary that you never want anyone to see. 

Even worse than Grace & Calvin, every other character in this small Wyoming town seems to WANT to have this mysterious alluring background but in reality we never learn anything about these characters other than they know the truth about how Calvin’s parents died (which at first seemed like it was such a big part of the story but in the end it was just thrown in there to try and give these characters some depth) & that they are also all obsessed with Calvin? I literally don’t think the author could have tried to harder to make these characters less interesting. 

In the end, yes Calvin was in fact behind this missing girl (shocker) & Grace was also a serial killer for literally no reason whatsoever. She goes from town to town killing new people she meets. I’m sorry, are we supposed to like Grace? It seems that these two main characters probably had more in common than either of them knew but Grace is judging Calvin for his trophies? & then she goes home to this seemingly perfect life and family. I also want to say that I listened to the audio version of this book & I think the male character tried really hard to give off this sexual, attractive & interesting person but every time this person narrated a chapter my skin crawled..