A review by angelahayes
A Keeper's Destiny by C.A. King


4 Stars

A Keepers Destiny is the first book in The Portal Prophecies Series by C.A King. This is a Y.A fantasy/paranormal adventure that is full of action, magic, self-discovery and drama. The author tells tales full of mystical wonder; the book incorporates her re-imagining of many of our myths, legends, tall-tales and unexplained phenomena- which is incredibly original and clever.
Willow is an orphan who has grown up in a magical place, not knowing what really happened to her parents, and doesn’t really understand the world she lives in. The past is very much a mystery to all but a few inhabitants who still remember. She has grown up hearing voices in her head. They have helped guide and look out for her, for as long as she could remember. She feels quite imperfect, unremarkable- just very ordinary and somewhat boring.

‘Willow opened a wooden chest and picked up a small hand mirror. She hated her reflection. To her, all it showed was imperfections. Her eyes were a green and blue mix with speckles of red throughout. Everything else she saw, she considered unremarkable. Her skin was a lightly tanned, bronze colour, even though most of it never saw the sun and the places that did, had freckles. She was above average in height. Work kept her in a physically fit state, which she felt made her somewhat less feminine than other girls. Her long, curly hair hung down around her shoulders. Today, it was blonde with a few blue and black strands. As with all girls, her hair colour would change on its own, as if it were matching her moods, abilities, or personality. She could have any number of combinations of hair colours in a day. In fact, last night she went to bed with pure white hair. This would continue until her sixteenth cycle, when her hair would choose the permanent colour it wanted to be.’

Everyone in her world had ‘abilities’, powers that they would gain as they matured. Most people gain their powers/magical ability by the time they reach their sixteenth cycle. No one ever really knew what their ability would be, some abilities were incredibly useful or entertaining; while others were pretty much useless. Willow hope to gain abilities that would make her special or which she could use to better her position within the society.

“Like most of the underaged, she didn’t even know what her abilities were yet. When she was younger and out with her friends, they would often sit and dream about different abilities and which ones they wanted. They were all told the signs were there somewhere - subtle indications of the future and, if they looked hard enough, the answer was there. Once she sat in a corner, concentrating for a full evening, trying to make something, anything happen. Falling asleep out of boredom was the only result. It was important to have the right abilities. It meant the difference between acceptance or a long, hard life of work and, at times, ridicule. If one could do something dazzling or entertaining, one might even get to stay on the castle grounds in accommodations which were far more comfortable than anything the town could offer. Of course, on the flip side of the equation, some abilities were considered useless.”

There society is ‘governed’ by the authority, with many strict rules and regimented activities for the citizens. Everyone had to contribute to their world, according to their abilities. Willow felt sure that there was more to life than this, she often dreamed of a greater destiny.

“There was work to do and if she wasn’t on time, it would mean trouble. The Council wanted things done a certain way - their way. As they often said when she stepped out of line, “Our lives are like a puzzle. We all have to find the place where we fit in to make the bigger picture whole.” Her duty to the common good was assigned to her. She grew fruits and vegetables. That was her place in the puzzle. She needed to accept it and to do the very best she could. But still, she couldn't help but feel there was something more, something she was missing, something else she was destined to do.”

When her world comes under threat, Willow and a group of her friends set out on a quest to save all of existence. She discovers more than she could ever have imagined; not just about herself, but about her world and that of all of existence. We learn along with her of the ancients, the guardians, the portals, the different realms, an evil king, a whole lot of different races and beings- and all the predictions contained in a book called The Portal Prophecies that can help them in their quest. The prophecies are the key to their success and survival; will they be able to decipher them in time?

This story is quite fast paced, very detailed and descriptive- with a complex and multi-layered plot. I had a little trouble ‘getting into the story’ because there was just so much going on to keep track of while the foundations to the book and series were laid out. But after about half way I settled into the story more and began to really enjoy it.
I liked the characters and enjoyed watching them develop and grow in confidence as the story progressed.
I am quite fascinated by this first book and the foundations it has laid for the rest of the series. So, I am really looking forward to reading the rest of the series.

Thank you Ms. King!