A review by madswritess
Sky's End by Marc J Gregson


This is one of those books that surprised me in the best way possible. Sky's End is an action-packed, fast-paced story that follows sixteen-year-old Conrad as he embarks on the Hunter's Gauntlet, a deadly competition between skyships racing to kill the most gorgantauns. From the start, I was absolutely hooked. The worldbuilding is incredibly immersive, and I flew through the battle scenes. Immediately, you get a sense of the gritty, violent world, one reminiscent of other dystopian novels while remaining completely fresh and exciting. The world is so easy to fall into with its floating islands, metal gorgantauns, and cane dueling system. There isn't a dull moment in this book. Also, I really adored the found family aspect. For me, the character work is what really made this story super compelling. I was really impressed with their growth. All of the character arcs were memorable and gripping, and I was always invested in their journeys.

If this came out when I was younger, it definitely would've been up there with my other YA favorites—like Collins' "The Hunger Games" or Marie Lu's "Legend"—in middle school. I would definitely recommend this book to all fantasy lovers, especially if you love a good underdog story. Conrad is a great protagonist to follow. At times, I wanted more from his personal motivations, but this first book promises an epic continuation of this series with even bigger, more compelling events. I'm super excited for the next book, and I will definitely be keeping my eyes open for it.

Thank you Peachtree Teen and NetGalley for providing me with this digital ARC! 4.0⭐️