A review by bibliophile90
Illicit: A Novel of the Sazi by Cathy Clamp


**Received ARC in exchange for an honest review**


The Bear clans have come to Luna Lake for peace talks because of a border dispute. The entire Luna Lake community is on their toes because any moment something can happen between the two clans.

While I was expecting Illicit to continue with the same main characters from the first book, I really liked the characters that were being focused on. Dalvin and Rachel were great characters. We were introduced to Rachel in the first book and already had a look at what she had been through in her past. Which was pretty horrific! Dalvin is Rachel's childhood friend and haven't seen her since she was kidnapped, so he was really surprised when he saw that she was still alive.

Rachel wants to leave Luna Lake because is reminded of all the horrible things that happened to her. However because of the peace talks no one is allowed to leave till it is done. I loved seeing Dalvin and Rachel together, even though Rachel is trying to stay away from him there is an attraction between the two. There is also a lot going on in Luna Lake. It had a more urban fantasy feel. I was really happy that romance didn't play such a big role in this book. There was a lot of character development, especially for Rachel.

I have no idea which direction Cathy will take with this series but I am really enjoying it so far and can't wait to see what will happen next. I enjoyed the writing style and it was easy to follow. Even though there were a lot of characters with difficult names, I did not get confused at all. I highly recommend this series if you enjoy urban fantasy/paranormal romance. This series is the perfect mix of both genre.