A review by chasingholden
The Book of Mirrors by E.O. Chirovici


The Book of Mirrors is a beautifully written story within a story within a story unlike any I've come across before. The stories are elegantly blended with each other and the author did a fantastic job of ensuring the writing style/tone shifted with each narrator which is something that is usually overlooked by authors trying to pull off a story such as this one. That alone made me love this story and gave me a strong appreciation for E.O. Chirovici

This is not your average quick and dirty whodunit novel. This is more of a lovely piece of literature that happens to be mind bending, with a 25 year old unsolved murder case and the rush to piece together the real story behind it all giving it a psychological mystery air. But make no mistakes, it is definitely a literary story that is very much worth your time, as long as you understand what kind of book you're picking up (or have no expectations such as I hadn't when I picked it up)

Don't let a few negative reviews keep you from picking this up. No book is for everyone but you may regret not at least finding out for yourself the delights hidden among the pages of The Book of Mirrors.