A review by just_jack
A Tree Grows in Brooklyn by Betty Smith


I am not a reader of classics typically, and haven't really read any since graduating from school. So imagine my surprise when, while reading this book, out of nowhere the thought "I understand why this is considered a great American classic" popped into my head. I'm still not really entirely sure what that means, but what I do know is that this is one of the if not the best book I have ever read. 

Francie's journey is unlike anything I have ever read. It is truly a timeless tale and I feel like the trials and tribulations of those living during the turn of the 20th century in New York is encapsulated so well in this book. Reading about this through the eyes of a child and watching her grow, develop, and mature with this backdrop was just honestly such a joy to read.

I loved this book and it is a rare 5/5 and, even rarer, I look forward to the day when I decide to re-read it.