A review by alwaysbooking
Half Lost by Sally Green


I don’t know what people expected?!? It’s not like people haven’t died in the first two books!! Reading over reviews in Goodreads or Amazon you would think people hadn’t read the first two books!!!

This series seems to be either you really enjoy it or really hate it. Well ladies and gentleman I thoroughly enjoyed this series!! This last book did not let me down in any way. There was action, drama, death, love, and a lot of plot. I had tears in my eyes in the end. I cannot explain how much some of these characters meant to me.

“You’ve been away a long time. Were you lost?
I was wounded, not lost.”

These stories are so dark, they are not the normal YA you read. Nathan is not your normal “hero” he has some serious dark thoughts. Killing comes easily to him and he doesn’t mind doing it. This is not so pretty book, that doesn’t gloss over things. I really enjoyed the romance that is to be in this book, it was really a slow burn. Whoa and that ending… while it was meant to be it doesn’t mean it didn’t hurt some.