A review by wbfreema
Neuromancer by William Gibson


this constantly battles Dune, Fight club, and Ender's Game as my all time favorite. i generally give this one the nod because of its cacophony of staccato machine gun fire pacing, its musical visionary language, and just the general idea. it's a caper, right. a neo noir heist. but the why. the why is the stuff my complicated movie paced sometimes first person, sometimes third raucous sci-fi dreams are made of. literally the kooky ideas swirling around my noggin during REM.
here's a fact: i read slowly. something like 30 pages an hour. i have to say every word outloud in my head. i've often wondered if neuromancer would make a good movie, and listening to it this time around, on time and a half, i'm convinced of it. my slow reading always got in the way of the MOVEMENT of the story. removing the processing part, and just listening, made the book much more fluid, adhering to the rapid pace the author intended. making it much more movielike. this is where gibson shines. his keen eye for detail is very well reflected in the mirror chrome of his scenery. his character's quirks offer breath and animate them off the page. Gibson is truly a master.