A review by teresajluvs2read
Search and Destroy by Julie Rowe


**I received a copy of Search and Destroy from Entangled Amara Publishing and Net Galley in exchange for a voluntary and honest review. My opinions below are mine and not solicited in any way**

Search and Destroy by Julie Rowe is the fourth book in her Outbreak Task Force series and I can sum up this latest addition to the series in one sentence... "You'd better hold on honey because it's going to be a bumpy ride" Search and Destroy is one thriller that grabs hold of you from page one to the very last one and you're going to love it. With much of the country last year and this one under the Measles outbreak umbrella I can totally relate to the pathogen reeking havoc in Search and Destroy, but it's Dr. Carmen Rodriguez, John Dozer and the undeniable sarcastic snark from our beloved DS that will have you from the first page. He will also sum up the best line in the book:
“Don’t think of me as old,” DS said, his tone mild. “Think of me as skilled, experienced, and irritated.”

We find Dr. Carmen Rodrigues with a measles outbreak in Florida at an amusement park spreading like wildfire and John Dozer still recovering from the IED from the last book insisting that he go with her to set up mobile units. But when they find out from Henry where the virus came from and who possibly weaponized it so that the usual medicines don't work it will take everyone to find a cure especially when both of them become one of the infected. But we finally get to see if Carmen and John can get beyond their issues to see if their feelings can become a HEA.

John Dozer has loved Carmen since their first meeting in Afghanistan when she ran from him before they could see if if there was something more for them in the cards. But when someone tries to kill both of them which in turn stalls his healing from previous attacks even the Surgeon General won't be able to keep him from keeping her safe. But when the person started the outbreak it will take everyone at the CDC, DS, SG and John to get her well when she becomes a patient after taking on the former employee determined to kill everyone. But how deep does the betrayal go and will they find out who is helping the FAFO with their Bioterrorism attacks? How deep within the government does their reach go?

I loved this book and can't wait for the next one except when will my beloved DS get his story?